
Posts Tagged ‘Dating’

Things not to say to a game designer on a date…

June 21, 2010 3 comments

“People who play games are wasting their time when they can be out in the world, doing something real. But I don’t mean you!”

As a friend correctly pointed out, you could say the same thing about people who act, write novels, enjoy soap operas, or obsess about fantasy football. How did I learn enough to become a professional game designer? Playing games, giving up a life of doing “real” things. I have nothing but the utmost respect for people who save the world day in and day out – doctors, teachers, firefighters, cops, soldiers, and every other stripe of do-gooder. Some of us have to be entertainers and those of us who entertain rely on an audience.

Take me as I am, people. I’m done changing for someone else.